Counseling is conducted by trained psychologists who assist and guide patients with personal, social or psychological issues. It enables the patient to focus on unconstructive feelings, experiences and behaviors with a goal to make positive change. The Malaysia Counseling Centre is able to treat most disorders that psychiatrists handle. For example, for patients with depression, we provide a depression mental health test that measures personal emotion, behavior and attitude. This provides indications of a mental health disorder which helps suggest specific counseling as treatment. All information will be kept confidential.
Consultation for Adults:
- Stress
- Grief, shock and trauma
- Depression ;
- Inability to cope
- Anxiety
- Pain management
- Panic attack
- Personality changes
- Discipline problems
- Interpersonal conflict
- Sleep problem
- Confidence
- Fears and phobias
- Self-esteem
- Obesity
- Eating problem
- Adjustment problems
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Undesirable habits
- Suicidal attempt
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Autism
- Dyslexia
Testing/ Assessment:
- Depression test
- Personality test
- Panic attack test
- Aptitude test
- Emotional Intelligence test
- Intelligence (IQ) test
- Stress coping ability
- Career test
- Emotional Eating test